Module concept

A VC Map application (app) can consist of one or more modules. Modules determine which maps, layers, viewpoints, tools (plugins), etc. an app is composed of. In addition, they contain configuration options for the user interface and language.

Module types

The application configurator distinguishes two types of modules:

icon appModule An Application Module consists of at least one map (2D, 3D or oblique aerial view) and one layer supported by this map. An application module is thus independent. A VC Map app requires at least one application module.

icon extensionModule An Extension Module can be used to provide additional content (layers, tools, styles…​) for specialist applications. Extension modules cannot be applied without an application module. All other modules that do not fulfill the condition of the application module are extension modules.

If an application consists of several modules, elements with the same name may be overwritten. The order in which the modules are added is crucial. In case of overwriting, the configuration that was loaded last is always applied.

Module list

In the start window of the app configurator there is a list of all modules of the application. New empty modules icon addElement or existing modules icon uploadElement from the project can be added.

Added modules can be selected for editing. An overview with meta information about the selected module appears on the righthand side.

image appConfigurator mainWindow moduleSelected
Figure 1. Module view of the selected application module. The extension module is enabled.
If an application consists of several modules, the module selected for editing is always the last loaded module. Modules that appear further down in the list are unloaded, i.e. their contents are temporarily removed from the application. This is done to ensure the WYSIWYG concept.

Module view

The Module View shows metadata (editor, creation and modification date) for the selected module and is the entry point for module editing.

Five actions are available for a selected module:

Action ..UI

Edit module
Change the name and description.

icon edit

Edit components
Opens a window to edit the module components (maps, layers, tools, …​).

icon componentEditor

Duplicate module
Creates a copy of the current module and adds it to the application.

icon overflowMenu

Delete module
Removes the module from the app. The module remains available in the Publisher project.

JSON Editor
Opens a new window where the complete module configuration is available for editing as a JSON object.

General interactions

Save and reset app

These actions in the startup window each apply to the entire app, including all modules contained therein. Both actions cannot be undone.

  • Save app accepts the changes made in all modules as the last saved state.

  • Reset app undoes all changes made in the modules and restores the last saved state.

Changes made to a single module can also be saved or restored to the last saved state separately using the edit components window. Unsaved changes in other modules will not be applied.

App Report

The report gives an overview of the components of the currently loaded modules of an application. Listed is the number of elements and the number of overwritten elements per area. If overwritten elements exist, the names (IDs) of these elements can be displayed by expanding the line.