VC Planner
General Information
The VC Planner (short: Planner) enables interactive / digital planning in a VC Map. Urban planners and architects can use the VC Planner to integrate their designs into a 3D city model in the context of the surrounding development in just a few steps and make them available to other users. This makes the VC Planner suitable for various applications, such as the presentation and comparison of urban planning and architectural competitions, the creation of urban planning designs and collaborative work with several participants in a project.
The Planner allows you to upload and manage planning objects in the VC Map and save them. Together with the shadow tool, it allows you to simulate the shadows cast by planning models, for example.
Once the Planner has been added to the map, the icon appears in the map menu bar under "Tools and extensions".
In order to use the Planner, authentication with a valid user name and password is required. These are created for the users in the administration area (backend) of the VC Planner.
After logging in, an overview of the existing projects with access authorization is created in Planning administration. Furthermore, after successful login, the user symbol appears in the menu bar at the top right of the map.
Clicking on the user icon opens the user menu, where you will also find the "Log out" button.
The Planner or the icon in the menu bar can assume several statuses that have different meanings:
Status |
.. Meaning |
The Planner is available in the map, but no user is logged in yet. Clicking on the Planner icon or selecting the "VC Planner Login" menu item in the VC Map menu opens the login window. |
The login to the Planner was successful. After successfully logging in, users can now use the plannings that they have created or for which they have been assigned with the corresponding rights. Plans can be visualized via Contents of the map or edited by making the appropriate selection in the Planning administration. |
One of the windows provided by the Planner (planning administration, planning editor, comment editor) is open and active. |
One of the editors provided by the Planner (planning editor or comment editor) is open but not visible. |
Login to / Logout from VC Planner
After entering the user name and password, the user has the option of logging in directly to the VC Planner via the Login button or canceling the login process via Cancel.
If you want the login data to be remembered, please check the "Remember me" box. The browser then remembers the login data and the user is automatically logged in to the VC Planner when the map is called up again. This continues until the user actively logs out of the VC Planner. |