Search Tool - Configuration

The Search Tool is configured in this section. In the finished app, the Search Tool can be accessed via the icon searchOrg search icon on the right-hand side of the menu bar. The functionality of the Search Tool in the app is described here.

The search tool can be operated using multiple plugins, which determine the supported search parameters of the search field.


The Nominatim-Search plugin uses data from OpenStreetMap to find locations based on addresses or names. Clicking on icon edit opens the configuration window, which shows the available configuration.

image searchNominatimConfig
Figure 1. Menu for the configuration of the Nominatim-Search

The following options are possible:

Table 1. Configuration of the Nominatim-Search
Option Description

URL to Nominatim

URL to a running Nominatim Service
The Openstreetmap service is already preset.


To limit the search area, a federal state can be specified here in which the user can search for addresses.


To limit the search area, a city can be specified here in which the user can search for addresses.

Country Code

To limit the search area, the code of a country can be specified here in which the user can search for addresses.
e.g. de, en, cz, …​

Maximum Number of Results

The maximum number of results to be returned by the search

Apply applies the changes made to the displayed app. See also Editing and Saving


The ESRI-Search plugin uses a geocoding service provided via an ArcGIS Rest API to find locations based on addresses or names. Clicking on icon edit opens the configuration window, which shows the available configuration options for the ESRI-search.

image searchEsriConfig
Figure 2. Menu for configuring the ESRI-search

The following options are possible:

Configuration of the ESRI search

Option Description


URL of the search service

Maximum number of results

The Maximum number of results displayed.

Zoom Distance

The distance to use, when flying to the result.

Address Attribute Mapping

Mapping the ESRI Geocoding attributes to the respective VC Map Address Balloon attributes.

Apply applies the changes made to the displayed app. See also Editing and Saving


The Search-WFS plugin uses data from a Web Feature Service (WFS) to find locations based on addresses or proper names. Clicking on icon edit opens the configuration window, which shows the available configuration options for the WFS search.

image searchWfsConfig
Figure 3. Menu for configuring the WFS-search

The following options are possible:

Option Description


URL of the search service

Regular expression

The RegEx to use for tokenizing.

Minimum number of token

The minimum number of regex groups that must be found in a given string in order to search. For example, if both a street and a house number are required, the number would be 2.

Filter expression

The filter expression as a template.

Stored Query

Defines whether the expression is a wfs:StoredQuery. Stored query filter expressions are treated as entire query not just the body of the query. All attributes of the query tag are copied at runtime (featureType etc).

Query options

The options for the WFS query passed to the GetFeature request.

Address attribute mapping

Mapping the feature attributes to the respective VC Map Address Balloon attributes.

Apply applies the changes made to the displayed app. See also Editing and Saving

Coordinate Search

The Search-Coordinate plugin makes it possible to find locations using coordinates. Clicking on icon edit opens the configuration window, which shows the available configuration options for the coordinate search.

WGS84 and the projection of the map are always supported by default as coordinate reference systems already.
image searchCoordinateConfig
Figure 4. Menu for configuring the coordinate search

The following options are possible:

Table 2. Configuration of the coordinate search
Option Description


The EPSG code of the coordinate reference system (CRS) to be supported by the coordinate search in addition.




List of the projections additionally supported via Add.

Apply applies the changes made to the displayed app. See also Editing and Saving