Link Button - Configuration

The plugin allows you to create links, as buttons or menu entries, to external applications such as 2D/3D GIS or information systems. The number of links per map application is not limited. The plugin can be edited / configured in app configurator by by clicking on icon edit on @vcmap/link-button plugin entry. This will open the Plugins - LinkButton Editor.

Plugins - LinkButton Editor

The editor allows you to create one or more link buttons. By clicking on icon addElement you will add a default link button. This default link button can be edited by clicking on icon edit or deleted by clicking on icon removeElement

Property Type default Description




A URL using template notation to add current location and orientation of the map.



'Open external link'

The title and tooltip of the action button.




The icon of the Button. Can either be a Material Design Icon, a VCS Icon or a (data-)URL.




The Location of the button in the UI. Currently only 'TOOL' (2) and 'MENU' (5) supported.



\{ epsg: 'EPSG:4326', proj4: '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +type=crs' }

Projection definition for extent, groundPosition and cameraPosition.

Template URL

In order to add information about current location and orientation in the map, double curly braces with variables can be added to the URL.

Example: [[{{cameraPosition}},[{{groundPosition}}],{{distance}},{{heading}},{{pitch}},{{roll}}],"cesium",["VC Map Demo"]]

Available variables

name description


Position on Ground that is focused by the current view. Therefore can be used as center.


Position of camera. In 2D this is undefined.


Distance of the camera to the ground.


Heading of the camera in degrees (0 = North).


Pitch of camera in degrees ranging from -90 to 90.


Roll of camera in degrees.


The extent of the current view as array with [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]. In 3D the ground position is used with heading 0 (north) and pitch 90 (top view).