Map Space

The map space allows you to switch between the different map views: 2D, 3D and oblique view.

Please familiarize yourself with the basic user interactions.

2D Map

icon twoDimensions The 2D map displays two-dimensional content. If the 2D map is activated (indicated by the colored background of the "2D" icon), layers and features that cannot be displayed in 2D are automatically deactivated.

Navigation in the map

Action .. Mouse .. Gesture .. UI

Move map

Press left mouse button and drag map

image gesture swipe anywhere
Drag map

This action is currently not offered in the UI.

Zoom in / Zoom out

Turn the mouse wheel to zoom in or out of the map view

image gesture spread / image gesture pinch
Spread or pinch using two fingers

component zoom

3D Map

icon threeDimensions The 3D map displays three-dimensional content. If the 3D map is activated (indicated by the colored background of the "3D" icon), layers and features that cannot be displayed in 3D - such as oblique aerial images - are automatically deactivated.

Navigation in the map

Action .. Mouse .. Gesture ..UI

Move map

Press left mouse button and drag map

image gesture swipe anywhere
Drag map

This action is currently not offered in the UI.

Rotate view

Hold down the mouse wheel and move the mouse to the right or left at the same time

image gesture two circle
Circular movement using two fingers

component mapNavigationRose

Zoom in/out

Rotate the mouse wheel to zoom in/out of the map view

image gesture spread / image gesture pinch
Spread or pinch using two fingers

component zoom

Tilt view

While holding down the mouse wheel, move the mouse up or down at the same time

image gesture two vertical
Two-finger vertical swipe

component mapPitch

Align north

This action is not offered as a mouse interaction

This action is not offered via gesture control

component mapNavigationRose Top

Align east

This action is not offered as a mouse interaction

This action is not offered via gesture control

component mapNavigationRose Right

Align south

This action is not offered as a mouse interaction

This action is not offered via gesture control

component mapNavigationRose Bottom

Align west

This action is not offered as a mouse interaction

This action is not offered via gesture control

component mapNavigationRose Left

Pedestrian mode

icon pedestrian mode The pedestrian mode can be started and ended in the 3D map via the context menu by clicking on a terrain point. If the pedestrian mode settings window is closed, the settings can also be called up again via the context menu.

Option Description ..Keyboard / Mouse

Keyboard required

Forward movement

icon arrow up bold box outline / icon alpha w box outline

keyboard required

Backward movement

icon arrow down bold box outline / icon alpha s box outline

keyboard required

Move left

icon arrow left bold box outline / icon alpha a box outline

keyboard required

Move right

icon arrow right bold box outline / icon alpha d box outline

keyboard required

Increase movement speed

icon apple keyboard shift + direction of movement (see above)

Viewing height

Camera height above terrain in meters

only to be controlled via the UI

Viewing angle

Expand / reduce angle of view (default value is 60°)

only to be controlled via the UI


Change horizontal viewing direction (0° = N, 90° = E, 180° = S, 270° = W)

Hold down the left mouse button and drag in the desired direction of movement


Change viewing direction vertically (default value is 0°)

Hold down the left mouse button and drag in the desired direction of movement

Some functions of the navigation area are not supported in pedestrian mode and are therefore deactivated during use.

Oblique Map

icon oblique The oblique aerial image map (indicated by the colored background of the "oblique" icon, if actived) displays the single oblique image matching the current position.

As an extension to the single image mode, the multi-view mode is offered. This allows to display the remaining cardinal directions, parallel to the currently active view, also in smaller additional windows. How to get from the single oblique aerial view to a multi-view is explained here.

Navigation in the map

Action .. Mouse .. Gesture ..UI

Move one image up

Press left mouse button and drag image down until the border of the image becomes visible and the new image is loaded

image gesture swipe down
Drag image down

Click above the image boundary in the overview map

Move one image to the right

Press left mouse button and drag image to the left until the border of the image is visible and the new image is loaded

image gesture swipe left
Drag image to the left

Click to the right of the image boundary in the overview map

Move one image down

Press left mouse button and drag image up until the border of the image is visible and the new image is loaded

image gesture swipe down
Drag image up

Click below the image boundary in the overview map

Move one image to the left

Press left mouse button and drag image to the right until the border of the image is visible and the new image is loaded

image gesture swipe right
Drag image to the right

Click to the left of the image boundary in the overview map

Zoom in / out

Turning the mouse wheel zooms in / out of the map view

image gesture spread / image gesture pinch
Spread or pinch using two fingers

component zoom

Change viewing direction clockwise / counterclockwise

This action is currently only offered via UI

This action is not offered via gesture control

component rotate

Align north

This action is not offered as a mouse interaction

This action is not offered via gesture control

component mapNavigationRose Top

Align east

This action is not offered as a mouse interaction

This action is not offered via gesture control

component mapNavigationRose Right

Align south

This action is not offered as a mouse interaction

This action is not offered via gesture control

component mapNavigationRose Bottom

Align west

This action is not offered as a mouse interaction

This action is not offered via gesture control

component mapNavigationRose Left
