Oblique multiview

Oblique multiview Clicking on the button activates the oblique aerial images as thumbnails on the right-hand side of the screen for the current map (oblique aerial map, 2D map or 3D map). This function enables the user to open a parallel view of the oblique aerial images of all cardinal points of a location in addition to viewing and navigating in the 3D, 2D and oblique image view. The currently active map view (3D, 2D or oblique) is displayed on the main screen and the corresponding oblique aerial images are displayed on the right. In oblique image mode, one of the four cardinal points is located on the main screen and is highlighted in color on the right in the multiple view.

When moving and zooming in the main screen, the other views in the multiple view change in parallel. The active image on the main screen can be switched by clicking on the compass direction, using the arrow buttons in the navigation rose and by clicking on the images displayed in the right-hand margin. Clicking on icon Multiview closes the multiview tool.

image multiViewActivate
Figure 1. activate Oblique multiview

Clicking on the corresponding icon in the toolbox opens the oblique aerial view, which opens on the right-hand side of the application window, next to the navigation tools.

image multiView
Figure 2. Opened oblique multiview (left = standard, right = enlarged view)

If you move the mouse over the vertical dividing line between the main map and the multiple view, a resize icon horizontal resize pointer icon appears. You can use this to change the size of the thumbnails. Basically, you can make them larger or smaller. However, the respective maximum/minimum sizes are limited.

Functions at a glance

Action Effect

Zoom in main view
Scroll using the mouse wheel in the main map

Also zooms into the thumbnails

Move in main view
Moving with the mouse (left mouse button + dragging in the map) in the main map

Also moves the thumbnails

Zoom in thumbnail
Scrolling using the mouse wheel in the thumbnail view

No action in the main map or another thumbnail view

Move in thumbnail
Moving with the mouse (left mouse button + dragging in the map) in the thumbnail view

No action in the main map or another thumbnail view

Drag the vertical Separator icon horizontal resize pointer
drag in direction of center of main view

thumbnails are getting bigger

Drag the vertical Separator icon horizontal resize pointer
drag in direction of map border

Thumbnails are getting smaller

Click on title in the thumbnail view with active oblique map icon oblique active
Click on the cardinal point at the top left of the thumbnail view

the respective cardinal point is displayed in the main map

Click on title in the thumbnail view with active 2D map icon twoDimensions active
Click on the cardinal point at the top left of the thumbnail view

the main map is positioned at the center of the respective thumbnail view (cardinal point)

Click on title in the thumbnail view with active 3D map icon 3D active
Click on the cardinal point at the top left of the thumbnail

the main map is positioned on the center of the respective thumbnail view (cardinal point) and a view angle of 45° is applied