Inovitas Panorama Viewer - Configuration
This plugin adds a inovitas panorama viewer to the VC Map, which is rendered next to the VC Map canvas. This enables a comparison of panorama images with 2D, 3D or oblique environment in the VC Map.
VC Map is synchronized to Cyclomedia Viewer changes
VC Map shows Cyclomedia recordings WFS, which allows to open specific images per click.
size of Cyclomedia Viewer an VC Map can be adapted
plugin state (active, current image) can be shared with create link plugin of VC Map
Property | default | Description |
required |
Cyclomedia User |
required |
Cyclomedia Password |
required |
Cyclomedia API Key |
required |
e.g. EPSG:5555. |
required |
e.g. +proj=utm +zone=32 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs. |
Whether to open cyclomedia on startup |
Optional starting image ID. Takes precedence over starting position. |
Optional starting position in EPSG:4326 |
Name of VC Map to be activated, when cyclomedia is activated |
Name of layers to be activated, when cyclomedia is activated |
Startup distance of camera to ground in meter (e.g. 150). This is equivalent to a zoom level parameter. |
Initial viewer width or height in percent. Defines the size of Cyclomedia viewer in relation to VC Map canvas. |
Defines in which VC Map panel the cyclomedia viewer is rendered. Allowed values: `left',`right' (default) and `bottom'. |
URL to Cyclomedia configuration |
Base URL of Cyclomedia recordings WFS |
display Color of recordings (rgba) |
Cyclomedia locale |