Print Tool - Configuration

The Print Tool is configured in this section. In the finished app, the Print Tool is integrated into the icon shareOrg share tool on the right-hand side of the menu bar as menu items Create PDF and Create JPG. The functionality of the Print Tool in the app is described here.

Clicking on icon edit opens the configuration window, which shows the available configuration.

image printToolConfig
Figure 1. Menu for the configuration of the Print Tool

Create PDF

Table 1. Create PDF
Option Description

Available paper sizes

Selection of the paper sizes to be provided (multiple selection possible)

Default paper size

Additionally, a default paper size can be specified, that is to be preset when activating the print tool.

Available resolutions (ppi)

Selection of the resolutions in ppi that are to be made available (multiple selection possible)

Default resolution

Additionally, a default resolution can be specified, that is to be preset when activating the print tool.

Available orientations

Selection of the page orientation(s) to be made available

Default orientation

Additionally, a default orientation can be specified, that is to be preset when activating the print tool.

Show title input

Allows the user to add a title to the PDF

Show description input

Allows the user to add a description to the PDF

Show logo

Automatically adds the logo of the application to the PDF

Show map information

Automatically adds the WGS84 coordinates of the image centre point to the PDF

Show contact details

If this option is activated, additional text fields open, which can be used to define contact information. These are then automatically added to the PDF.

Create JPG

Table 2. Create JPG
Option Beschreibung

Available resolutions (px)

Selection of the resolutions in px that are to be made available (multiple selection possible)

Default resolution

Additionally, a default resolution can be specified, that is to be preset when activating the print tool.