Planning tool configuration

The planning tool is configured in this section. In the finished app, this can be accessed via icon nature people in the Tools & Extensions section. The functionality of the tool in the VC Map is described here.

Clicking on icon edit opens the Plugin Editor window, which shows the available configuration.

image planningToolConfig
Figure 1. Menu for configuring the planning tool

The following options are possible:

General Settings
Option Description

Service URL

The URL of the VC Planner backend.

Project Id

The ID of the planning project defined in the VC Planner backend.

Map Id

The ID of the planning map defined in the VC Planner backend.

Advanced Settings
Option Description

Lock Interval

Defines the time interval (in ms) at which the lock on features currently being edited is maintained. Default value is 100000 ms.

Content tree weight

Defines the weight for the placement of the "Planning" group in the Contents window of the VC Map app. The default value is -1 for placement at the end of the content window. URL

Terrain URL

Alternative URL for terrain that is querried if the active terrain in the map client is not accessible from the VC Planner backend.

FME extension

Defines whether the planning tool uses the FME extension.

Object libraries
Option Description

Add new object library icon addElement

Title: Title under which the object library is displayed

URL: URL to the catalog.json of the object library. A relative URL object-library/${name}/catalog.json is sufficient for adding libraries hosted by the VC Planner. Alternatively, an absolute URL to an object library on another server is possible. If selfhosting object libraries, ensure the propert CORS headers are set or the resources is hosted alongside the VC Map application.

Closed at the beginning: Defines whether an object library is displayed closed at startup.


Defines the URL to the standard object libraries available in the planning tool.

Standard library activated icon checkboxChecked / Standard library deactivated icon checkbox

Activates or deactivates a standard library in the planning tool.

Access to further interaction options: icon overflowMenu

  • Edit object library: To change the initial settings made for the object library (see Add new object library)

  • Remove object library: To remove the individually added object library from the planning tool.