Export Tool - Configuration

The Export Tool is configured in this section. In the finished app, the Export Tool can be accessed via the icon export export icon in the toolbox. The functionality of the Export Tool in the app is described here.

Clicking on icon edit opens the configuration window, which shows the available setting options.

image exportToolConfig
Figure 1. Menu for the configuration of the Export Tool

General Settings

Table 1. General Settings
Option Description

Terms of use

Allows the reference to the terms of use of the data or data protection notice

Allow description

Allows the user to create a description of the data to be downloaded

Max selection area

Limits the selection area that can be created to a certain value

Data sources

3D objects
image export3DObjectsConfig
Figure 2. Menu for the configuration of the 3D object export
Table 2. Settings for the city model
Option Description

FME Security Token

FME Security Token

FME Server URL

URL to the FME server that is to be used for processing, e.g. https://<fmeserverhost>/fmedatadownload/<Reporsitory>/<workspaceName>.fmw

Export formats

Selection of export formats to be made available (multiple selection possible)
Additionally, a default format can be specified that is to be preset when activating the export tool.

Levels of detail

Selection of the LODs (Levels of Detail) that are to be made available for export
Additionally, a default LOD can be specified that is to be preset when activating the export tool.

Thematic classes

Selection of the thematic classes that are to be made available for export
Additionally, a default class can be specified that is to be preset when activating the export tool.

Object appearance

Selection of the object texture(s) to be made available for export

Object appearance default

A default texture can be specified here that is to be preset when activating the export tool.

Predefined CRS

The EPSG code of the coordinate reference system in which the data is to be exported

Height mode configurable

Allows the user to select the elevation mode the data is to be exported in
Additionally, a default height mode can also be specified that is to be preset when activating the export tool.

Export plans and drawings

If this option is active, the entire visible scene including plans, drawings and vector layers is exported during an export. If it is inactive, only the content of the database is made available for export.

Allow texture export

Allows the user to export object textures

Allow export of generic attributes

Allows the user to add generic attributes to the export

Allow tiled export

Allows the user to export the desired objects tiled

Allow terrain export

If this option is active, the user can also export the terrain currently displayed in the 3D view.

Overwrite current terrain

The path to an alternative terrain file can be specified here, which can then be exported instead of the currently active terrain.

Terrain Zoom Level

A different terrain zoom level reduces the resolution of the terrain, which results in lower CPU utilisation during download. The higher the number, the smaller the mesh triangles, while -1 is the maximum resolution.

Oblique images
image exportObliqueConfig
Figure 3. Menu for the configuration of the oblique image export
Table 3. Settings for oblique images
Option Description


The name of the oblique image layer to be provided for export

File extension

The file format of the oblique images


The resolution of the oblique images

Dedicated source

The URL of the image source can be entered here.

Static data
image exportStaticDataConfig
Figure 4. Menu for the configuration of the static data export
Table 4. Settings for static data
Option Description


Specification of the title that appears in the selection list of the export tool


URL of the GeoJSON file containing the polygons of the models and the filename.zip

Base URL

URL to the directory (web server) from which the file is to be downloaded,
e.g.: './download' will download a file from 'https://download-beispiel.vcs/download/Tile-70-61-1-1.zip' .

Apply applies the changes made to the displayed app. See also Editing and Saving