Planning editor

The planning editor allows the user to design and persist a planning project. The Planning editor window or the Planning toolbar can be used for this purpose.

image vcPlannerPlanningEditorMain
Figure 1. Planning editor window and planning toolbar of the VC Planner

The VC Planner plugin provides the user with several functions / categories that can be called up both via the planning editor window and via the planning tool, see also the image above.

Planning editor window vs. planning toolbar

The planning editor gives the user an overview of the individual categories and the planning objects they contain. In the planning editor, new objects can be created and / or existing ones edited.

The planning toolbar serves as a quick access to the individual functions. Depending on the function, either the corresponding editor is opened or the function is called up directly. The planning toolbar opens the functions in "create mode". It is not possible to "edit" existing planning objects via the toolbar.

Planning editor

image vcPlannerPlanningEditor
Figure 2. planning editor window

Basic functions

The planning editor follows the basic principle of VCS window technology and, in addition to help, also offers the option of undocking the window from its original position and moving it to another position.

Function / Icon Description

icon close

closes the window, but leaves the selected planning active. Clicking on the planning icon in the header opens the window again at the old position.

icon plus

depending on the category on which the icon plus was clicked, the corresponding editor opens.

icon overflow

Depending on the category on which the icon overflow was clicked, different functions are offered. Basically, these are set operations and a create operation for vector layers and an import operation for mesh modification. Set operations are:

- Select all
- Unselect
- Delete selected

icon hasUpdate

indicates unsaved changes. The icon can appear either on objects or on buttons. On objects or layers, the icon shows which objects / layers have been changed since the last save. On the Save button, the icon indicates that there are changes that should be saved, see the graphic above.

Clicking on icon close in a child editor window of the planning editor causes the last changes made in the editor to be applied. A click on icon close can be understood as an auto-apply. The same applies if the window is replaced by another one (i.e. another window opens at the same position).

Extended functions on elements within a category

Element in Category Functions


  • use as default view - sets the viewpoint as the default viewpoint for planning

  • Edit element* - opens the view editor

  • Delete element - deletes the selected viewpoint

  • Jump to view* - jumps to the position of the viewpoint in the active map

Camera flights

  • Edit element - opens the view editor

  • Delete element - deletes the selected camera flight

3D models

  • Visibility - shows or hides the model on the map

  • Zoom to - jump to the model

  • Edit element - opens the 3D model editor

  • Delete element - deletes the selected 3D model

Vector layers

  • Visibility - shows or hides the vector layer on the map

  • Default - sets the Vector layer as Default (new vector features will be drawn into this layer if no other vector layer is selected)

  • Zoom to - zooms to extent of vector layer

  • Edit element - opens the vector layer editor

  • Remove element - deletes the selected vector layer

  • Optimize layer - each layer can be optimized into a tiling layer, which makes it behave like a vector tiling layer

  • Add to layer - adds features to the existing layer by import

Raster layers

  • Visibility - shows or hides the raster layer in the map

  • Zoom to - jump to the extent of the raster layer

  • Edit element - opens the raster layer editor

  • Remove element* - deletes the selected raster layer

Hidden objects

  • Delete element - deletes the selected element from the list and displays it again

measurement modification

  • edit element - opens the measurement modification editor

  • Delete element* - deletes the selected measurement modification

  • Jump to modification* - jump to the extension of the measurement modification

  • Hide / show feature* - Shows / hides the geometry of the mesh modification in the map


  • Display error messages - opens another window and displays the content of the error message

  • Delete element - deletes the selected task

extended functionality on right click in map

Element in Karte Funktionen

3D Model

  • Edit Model - opens 3D Model editor and selects the model+

  • remove Model - deletes the selected model

  • Hide Object - adds object to "Hidden Obkjects" kist and hides the objetc

  • add comment here - places a comment at choosen positionand opens comments editor

Vector object

  • Edit properties - opens the feature editor in "Edit properties mode" and selects the feature

  • Edit feature - opens the feature editor in "Edit geometry mode" and selects the feature

  • Move object - opens the feature editor in "Move geometry mode" and selects the feature

  • Rotate object - opens the feature editor in "Rotate geometry mode" and selects the feature

  • Scale object - opens the feature editor in "Scale geometry mode" and selects the feature

  • Export selection - exports the selected object as GeoJSON

  • Remove selection - deletes the selected object from the vector layer

  • Hide object - adds the object to the "Hidden objects" list and hides it

  • Add comment here - sets a comment at the selected position and opens the Comment editor


  • Edit meshmodification - opens the editor for the meshmodification

  • Hide feature* - adds the object to the "Hidden objects" list and hides it

  • Remove modification - deletes the selected object

  • Add comment here - sets a comment at the selected position and opens the Comment editor

categories and editors

See also further information on the individual editors:

Hidden objects

All hidden objects are listed here. Clicking / selecting an element in the list displays the selected object transparently in the map. Clicking on icon overflow menu vertical offers the option to remove the element from the list "Delete element " and thus make it "visible" again. It is important to note that this does not delete the element from the data set, but the entry from the list of hidden objects, thus making the object visible again.

Tasks / Tasks

Running or failed conversion tasks are listed under Tasks. After data has been uploaded to the planning project via the data upload dialog, a conversion job is triggered in the Planner backend. Both running and failed conversion jobs are displayed under Tasks / Tasks. Successful conversion jobs no longer appear in this list, but are listed as data records / levels in the corresponding category. Failed conversion jobs are highlighted in color and marked with an icon.

Planning toolbar

image vcPlannerPlanningToolbar
Figure 3. Planning toolbar of VC Planner

Description of the tools in the graphic above, from left to right:

Tool Description


activates the Info-Tool and shows a balloon for a selected object.


opens the Upload dialog (Raster data, Vekcor data, 3D Model). Raster data, vector data and 3D models can only be imported via Toolbar / Uploadbutton.

The Draw button

can be activated by selecting a vector layer in the Planning Editor - Vector Layer and activates the corresponding drawing functions. The other drawing tools are displayed via chevron down and are available for selection. The currently active drawing tool is displayed and highlighted to the left of chevron down. Clicking on one of the icons opens the corresponding drawing editor (see VC Map documentation)

Object library

is activated by selecting a vector layer in the planning editor - vector layer and clicking on the icon opens the object library editor


Opens the viewpoint editor

Camera flight

Opens the camera flight editor

Hide objects

Clicking on the icon activates the function directly and clicking on an object hides it and adds an entry (object ID) in the "Hidden objects" category in the planning editor

Measurement modification

Clicking on the icon next to chevron down activates the corresponding tool. Clicking on chevron down opens the overview of the available modification tools. Clicking on one of the icons activates the corresponding tool and opens the editor for mesh modification.

Comment function

Click on the icon to activate the comment function. Clicking in the map at the desired position sets a comment marker and opens the comments editor.

The planning editors in detail


image vcPlannerViewpointEditor
Figure 4. Viewpoint editor of the VC Planner

This editor is used to configure viewpoints. Views are used to allow users to quickly jump to predefined perspectives.

Clicking on icon plus adds a new view and opens the interactive view editor.

Clicking on icon star outline sets a view as the start view. Whenever the application is loaded, the map section is loaded according to the defined start view.

The Position and Orientation areas are controlled interactively by the camera according to the WYSIWYG principle and change as you move around the map. Conversely, if values in these areas are changed, the current camera view automatically adapts to the changed information.

The following parameters can be configured for the respective view:

General settings
Option Description

Name (ID)

Unique name (identifier) of the included view.


Display title of the included view. Is used for display in other elements that reference the view.


Determines whether an animation takes place as a flight between two perspectives when the view is changed, or whether the next view is loaded directly.

Animation duration (if Animation active)

Determines the duration of the animation in seconds.

Option Description

Camera position

The position of the camera in 3D space. Only displayed if the 3D map is active.

Option Description


Azimuth angle of the camera


tilt angle of the camera, i.e. the rotation around the y-axis running in the longitudinal direction of the camera.

Add adds the viewpoint to the list of viewpoints.
Cancel discards the settings and closes the editor.

Camera flights

The Camera flight editor allows you to create virtual sightseeing flights in a VC Map app. Click on the icon in the toolbar or icon plus in the "Camera flights" category to activate the editor and open the associated settings window, which can be used to create a new scenic flight.

image vcPlannerFlightEditor
Figure 5. Camera flight editor of the VC Planner

Create camera flight

Flight settings

The flight settings control general properties that affect the entire flight. The following settings are possible:

Option Description


Determines the connection between anchors of a flight.

Linear represents the defined flight path as a straight line between two anchor points.

Spline interpolates the defined flight path as a curve through the anchor points. To do this, at least 3 anchor points must be defined that are not positioned on a streight line.

You can switch between interpolation settings while the flight is being played.

Illustration of the effect of the linear vs. spline option
Figure 6. Illustration of the flight path with interpolation type "linear" (left) and "spline" (right)

Total flight duration

The total flight duration is calculated automatically when a flight is created based on a defined standard speed and the distance traveled. The total flight time is given in seconds and can be changed afterwards. This has an effect on the runtime between the individual anchor points.


This option closes the flight by connecting the flight path from the last to the first anchor point so that the flight can be played in an uninterrupted loop.

Illustration of the effect of the loop option
Figure 7. Display of the flight path without (left) and with "loop" option (right)
If the defined trajectory is viewed from a suitable distance, the interpolation settings can be compared visually by switching between the options.
Flight anchors

This area defines the individual views that are connected to form a flight path.

By clicking on icon eye, the visualization of the anchor points and the associated flight path is shown and hidden. This is also possible while the flight is being played.

The icon plus adds a new anchor point to the flight based on the current view. If there are several anchor points, an additional anchor can be inserted between two entries using icon plus. If, on the other hand, the icon at the end of the list is clicked, the flight is supplemented by an additional anchor point.

The order of the anchor points can also be redefined using drag & drop. The interpolation of the flight path is automatically recalculated according to the new order.

If flight path visualization is activated, a set anchor is highlighted by colouring the view. This represents the camera view of the anchor point. As soon as the set view is exited, the complete geometry of the set anchor point becomes visible.

The respective flight duration to the next anchor point is displayed after the name of the anchor. This is calculated based on the distance to the next anchor and a standard speed. This time can be changed according to individual requirements. The total flight time is synchronized automatically.

Via the icon overflow menu at the end of each entry it is possible to

  • jump to the corresponding view.

  • edit the view.

  • remove the view from the flight.

Anchor editor

In order to differentiate between defined anchor points, a default name is initially assigned to each one. To edit this and other properties of an already defined anchor, the anchor editor can be opened under the menu item Edit anchor.

General settings

The Title of the anchor point can be customized here for better differentiation.

Position & Orientation

The map view jumps to the selected anchor point when the anchor point editor is opened, as the position and orientation settings are automatically synchronized with the current view of the map by default. This is illustrated by the active icon icon sync. A click on the icon to deactivate this behavior.

If the synchronization of position & orientation is deactivated icon sync off, the view of the map can be changed without having the values in the view settings of the anchor point automatically adapted to the view. If the current view is to be applied as the new setting for the anchor point in this mode, this can be done manually via icon camera.

Manual editing of the position & orientation values via the corresponding text fields is also only possible if synchronization is deactivated icon sync off.

Apply accepts the changes made for the selected anchor point.
icon return resets the view to the original settings.


The player allows you to play the current camera flight. The time on the left-hand side of the slider indicates the current progress, the information on the right-hand side refers to the total duration.

Action ..UI Shortcut


icon playCircle / icon pause

This option will be available soon.


icon rewind / icon fastForward

This option will be available soon.

Jump to last/next base position

icon step backward / icon step forward

This option will be available soon.

Add - adds the flight to the camera flight category
Cancel discards the settings and closes the editor.

3D models

image vcPlannerModelEditor
Figure 8. 3D model editor of the VC Planner

This editor is used to configure 3D models. 3D models are used to illustrate the planning in 3 dimensions and thus give the user / viewer a more realistic impression of the planning. The editor allows the user to place / position a 3D model in 3 dimensions in the context of its environment.

The areas Position and Orientation are controlled according to the WYSIWYG principle and change when the model is moved on the map. Conversely: If values in these areas are changed, the current position of the model automatically adjusts to the changed information.

The following parameters can be configured for the respective 3D model:

General settings
Option Description

Name (ID)

Unique name (identifier) of the integrated model.


Description of the integrated 3D model.

Option Description

Position (input fields)

The position of the 3D object in 3D space. The coordinates can be entered in X [°], Y [°] and Z [m] direction.

Position (icons)

icon map marker - Select position on the map
icon axis arrow - Change position on the map (move)
icon ground - Set 3D model on terrain
icon target - zoom to 3D model

Option Description


Azimuth angle [°] of the 3D model (input value or setting via slider)


Inclination angle [°] of the 3D model, i.e. the rotation around the y-axis running in the longitudinal direction of the 3D model (input value or setting via slider).

Roll angle [°] of the 3D model, i.e. the rotation around the x-axis running in the longitudinal direction of the 3D model (input value or setting via slider).



If extended metadata has been configured, it will be displayed here and can be edited by clicking on icon pencil. You can find more information on this at Setting / editing of extended metadata and Planning object / planning feature - Set / edit metadata

Apply accepts the settings for the 3D model and adds it to the list of 3D models
Cancel discards the settings and closes the editor.

Vector layer

image vcPlannerVectorlayerEditor
Figure 9. Vector layer editor of VC Planner
General settings
Option Description

Name (ID)

Unique name (identifier) of the integrated layer.


Description of the integrated layer.

layer settings
Option Description

Z Index

Setting the Z-index of the layer, see also z-Index (display order)

vector properties
Option Description

Elevation mode

Defines the elevation mode used. 'On terrain' places 2D data on the terrain. 'Relative to terrain' interprets heights as values above the terrain. 'Absolute' is the 3D height above the reference ellipsoid.

Height above ground

A vertical offset to the terrain. Can be used with height mode 'Relative to terrain'.

Terrain level

Terrain height of the objects.

Distance Scaling

Determines or sets scaling properties of objects based on the distance of the object to the camera. Interpolation of the object scaling between the specified distances. Outside these ranges, the scaling of the object remains fixed to the nearest limit. If not selected, no scaling is performed.

Eye offset

Reads or sets the Cartesian 3D offset applied to objects in eye coordinates. Eye coordinates are a left-handed coordinate system where x points to the right, y points up and z points into the screen. Eye coordinates use the same scale as world coordinates, usually meters. An eye offset is often used to arrange several objects in the same position, e.g. to arrange an object above the corresponding 3D model.

Allow selection

Determines whether features can be selected, e.g. to display feature information.


Defines what is affected by the classification, i.e. only "objects", only "terrain" or "objects & terrain" are classified. The default value when adding a layer is "none".


Defines the default extrusion height of objects. Only supported with 'absolute' height mode.

Storeys above ground

Number of storeys above ground. Requires either 'Extrusion' or 'Floor height(s)'.

Storey height(s) above ground

Values for the storey height(s). Starting with the first floor if more than one is specified. The last entry is repeated if fewer 'Storey height(s)' than 'Storeys' are specified or until the 'Extrusion' is reached.


Sets the default extrusion (depth) of objects below ground level.

Skirts below ground

Number of floors below ground. Similar behavior to 'Storeys above ground'.

Storey height(s) below ground

Values for the storey height(s). Starting with the first basement floor if several are specified. The last entry is repeated if fewer "Storey height(s)" than "Storeys" are specified or until basement depth ("Skirt") is reached.

Model URL

Relative path to the standard model that is applied to point objects. Supported format is GLTF ('.gtlf' or '.glb').

Model scaling

Defines the standard scaling in x, y and z. Values greater than 1.0 enlarge the model, values less than 1.0 reduce it.

Model orientation

Orientation is the rotation around the negative z-axis.

Model Inclination

Inclination is the rotation around the negative y-axis.


Rotation is the rotation around the positive x-axis.

Base URL

A base URL to resolve relative model URLs. Expects http or https requests.

The vector properties configured here define the default behavior of the layer. Each feature can have its own properties that override the values of the layer.
Please bear in mind that vector layers are limited in terms of performance, especially when displaying models, as there is no tiling.

If extended metadata has been configured, it will be displayed here and can be edited by clicking on icon pencil. You can find more information on this at Setting / editing of extended metadata and Planning object / planning feature - Set / edit metadata

Apply accepts the settings for the vector layer and adds it to the list of vector layers
Cancel discards the settings and closes the editor.

Raster layer

image vcPlannerRasterlayerEditor
Figure 10. Vector layer editor of VC Planner
General settings
Option Description

Name (ID)

Unique name (identifier) of the included raster layer.


Description of the included raster layer.




Position (Icons)

icon eye - Show extent of the raster layer in the map
icon bounds - Draw new extent of the raster layer on the map
icon edit vertices - Edit the vertices of the extent of the raster layer
icon axis arrow - Change (move) the extent of the raster layer on the map
icon target - zoom to the extent of the raster layer


Specifies the projection of the bounding box of the raster layer. This is set to 'EPSG:4326'. This means that the corner coordinates are always specified in latitude and longitude coordinates on the WGS84 reference ellipsoid.


Coordinates (Lon/Lat) of the lower left corner of the bounding box.


Coordinates (Lon/Lat) of the upper right corner of the bounding box.

Layer settings




Defines the transparency of the layer in a value range between 0 and 1. A value of 0 corresponds to complete transparency, a value of 1 to complete opacity.

Z Index

Setting the Z-index of the layer, see also z-Index (display order)


If extended metadata has been configured, it will be displayed here and can be edited by clicking on icon pencil. For more information, see Setting / editing of extended metadata and Planning object / planning feature - Set / edit metadata

Apply accepts the settings for the vector layer and adds it to the list of vector layers
Cancel discards the settings and closes the editor.

Mesh modification

Selecting a modification mode in the toolbar and drawing a polygon or selecting an element in the "Mesh modification" category opens the mesh modification editor.

image vcPlannerMeshEdit
Figure 11. Meshmodifikation

The editor uses both available modes:

  • Flatten mesh - here the mesh is flattened (textures and geometry are retained, only the Z coordinates are changed to the specified value); please enter a value for Absolute height

  • Cut mesh (cut) - here the polygon is used as a cut polygon and the geometry is cut open at the edges

Both modes support geometry editing - move and edit interpolation points. In addition, the plane or planes for which the modification is to be applied can be selected.

Object library

image vcPlannerObjectLibEdit
Figure 12. Object library editor
The object library editor can only be opened once a layer has been selected in the vector layer category. This activates the object library icon in the toolbar and makes it available to the user. This enables structured working. For example, a trees layer can be created, selected and then the corresponding trees can be placed using the object library.

The object library editor provides 4 categories (collapsible / expandable).

z-index (display sequence)

The z-index defines the rendering sequence of an image planning object or a vector layer (feature store object) within a planning project. Depending on the specified z-index per object layer, the user can define the display sequence of the individual layers manually.

planner le zIndex order
Figure 13. Display sequence of layers per z-index

For example, a layer with a higher z-index is always rendered above a layer with a lower z-index. Various, but not all vector and raster layers support z-indexing.

Supported drawing objects are:

  • Line, Polygon, Bounding Box, Circle, Rectangle and Text Label

  • Supported vector layers are: .shp, .kml/.kmz, .json/.geojson

  • Supported raster layers are: .png, .jpg/.jpeg, .tif/.tiff/.geotiff

The z-index can be set in the planning editor in vector and raster layers. By default, each new layer has a z-index of 0.

In practice, each newly loaded layer will overlay a previously imported layer with the same z-index. To change the display order of the imported layers with the planning tool, the user can change the z-index in the editing section of the respective planning project.

The user can also set the z-index with a negative number. This works in the same way as with positive numbers, the lower the number, the lower the placement (display).

Please note that in the 2D map view layers with negative z-indices are placed below the base map.

In the 3D map view, however, a raster or vector layer with a z-index lower than 0 can only be placed above the base map due to the interface used for the 3D visualization (Cesium). The behavior of the layers in the different map views is illustrated below.

planner le zIndex map view 3d
planner le zIndex map view 2d
The order of the z indices in the 3D map view can only be maintained within the same layer type. This means that raster layers are always overlaid by vector layers, regardless of their z-index. Within the same layer type, the z-index and thus the placement sequence of the layers is maintained as already explained. In the 2D map view, however, the z-index is also taken into account between raster and vector layers, so that the placement sequence between all layer types is chronological according to their z-index. For a better understanding, please refer to the following two illustrations.

Data upload

image vcPlannerUpload
Figure 14. Upload dialog

The data upload, as shown above, is valid for the upload of vector and raster data, as well as 3D models.

The upload dialog provides an area where files can be dragged and dropped. In addition, a file explorer can be opened by clicking on icon paperclip, which allows the data to be uploaded to be selected and made available for the import process.

Click on Import to start the upload and then the corresponding conversion process.

Clicking on Cancel discards the files from the upload dialog and closes the window.