Planning administration

Authentication with a valid user name and password is required to use the planning tool. These are created for users in the administration area of the planning tool. After successful Login, an overview of existing projects with access authorization is displayed. Depending on the authorizations granted, the user can edit plannings, comment on them or create a new planning. A planning project name must be specified to create a new planning project. A project description can optionally be specified. The planning management window is shown below.

image vcPlannerAdministrationMain
Figure 1. Planning adminstration of VC Planner

General Information

Planning administration allows you to manage, edit and comment on the plannings you have created or on which you have authorizations in accordance with your authorizations. The individual action areas of the planning administration are shown in the graphic below.

image vcPlannerAdministrationMainAreas
Figure 2. Overview of planning administration areas

Create and Refresh

Clicking on the icon add bold Add new planning project creates a new planning project with the name "new planning" and selects it. This simultaneously displays the corresponding metadata of the planning project in the information area and enables access to the individual editing windows. See also Information area of the planning project. The planning project is transferred directly to the planning backend and saved.

A click on the icon refresh Refresh list queries all planning projects for the user in the PLanner backend and displays them in the list in the listing area. This function is helpful if you are working in a team and want to update the list of planning projects during your own editing session without leaving the planning area.

Search and Sort

An entry in the Search field updates the list of plans to those that fulfill the search criterion. The search criterion is ONLY applied to the name of the planning.

Changing the "Sorting" causes the planning list to be rearranged according to the selected sorting. The following sorting criteria are available:


.. Meaning

Alphabetical (A-Z)

Lists all displayed plans in ascending alphabetical order.

Alphabetical (Z-A)

Lists all displayed plans in descending alphabetical order.

Latest update

Lists all displayed plans according to their update date (Last update), starting with the most recent update.

Oldest update

Lists all displayed plans according to their update date (Last update), starting with the oldest update.

Newest project

Lists all displayed plans according to their creation date, starting with the most recent creation date.

Oldest project

Lists all displayed plans according to their creation date, starting with the oldest creation date.

Listing of planning projects

Lists the individual planning projects that are available to the user. Each list element (planning project) provides several functions.

List element

…​ Meaning

image vcPlannerAdministrationPlanningUnselected

Unselected planning project of the planning list.

image vcPlannerAdministrationPlanningSelected

Selected planning project of the planning list, the metadata of the planning project is visible in the information area of the planning administration and the individual editors can be accessed, see Information area of the planning project.

new planning icon share icon publish

Planning project is not shared and not published.

new planning icon shareSelected icon publish

Planning project is shared but not published.

new planning icon share icon publishSelected

Planning project is not shared but published.

new planning icon shareSelected icon publishSelected

planning project is shared and published.

Information area of the planning project

The information area of a planning project provides an overview of the basic metadata of a planning project. This includes (see also graphic below):

  • Name of the planning project

  • Description of the planning project

  • Created by - Name of the user who created the planning

  • Creation date - Date and time the planning was first created

  • Updated by - Name of the user who last updated / edited the planning

  • Last Update - Date and time of last update / editing

image vcPlannerAdministrationInformation
Figure 3. Overview of the information area of a planning project

In addition, the information area provides further functions.

Editor area

icon pencil - allows you to edit the name and description of the planning.

If an extended metadata schema exists / has been defined, the extended metadata can also be edited here.

icon puzzle edit - allows you to edit the planning and its components. Clicking on icon puzzle edit Planning editor opens the planning editor and closes the planning administration. You are now in edit mode for the selected planning.

icon comment edit - allows you to edit/create comments on the selected planning. Clicking on icon comment edit Comments opens the comment editor and closes the planning administration. You are now in comment mode for the selected planning.

Delete planning

Clicking on icon overflow menu vertical opens the Delete planning window if the corresponding authorizations are set for the user.

Extended metadata

This area lists a total of 4 of the available metadata of the extended metadata schema. Clicking on the "More" button displays the remaining metadata, if more exists. For more information on metadata, see also the separate section Metadata